
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our beautiful children!

Klaira is out catching the "snow-rain" in her bug net. She had a great time!

When I came home from school, Klaira had been sleeping in my sweats that she found, but just in the one leg! Cute!
Jeffery is smiling now! It is so cute and so fun to see! He has a little giggle that is tough to get out, but it is adorable.

I love this shirt because I think he looks a little like the bear on it!
This is one of his two month pictures. He has a funny face in all of them so this is one of the best! I can't believe he is already two months old and 13 pounds!
We blessed Jeffery the first Sunday in March. It was a very special day and we had a lot of family come to support us!
Grandma Barrow made the blanket for the blessing, and it turned out great! Thanks!

I love sweater vests!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jeffery Raymond Barrow

Our tiny Jeffery is getting so big so fast. This is his one month picture! He got chubby really fast! He came two and a half weeks early on January 9th, but was really healthy. I guess he just wanted to come out to see us. We got to the hospital at 7:40 with painful, pretty-close contractions, had the epidural at about 8:45, and he arrived at 9:20. It went well! I should have gotten to the hospital right after my water broke (so I've been told), but I had some things to get ready and explain at school for the substitute. It really did make me feel better about whoever was going to be teaching that day, because it wasn't quite ready for them for the week. So there I was timing my contractions and explaining my lesson plans. It was definitely an experience! Luckily it worked out!
He was born at 6 pounds 8 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. At two weeks, he was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. At 5 weeks, he was 10 pounds 5 ounces and 20 1/2 inches. He is eating all of the time! He is so cute and we love to kiss him and look at him all of the time!
As we look at Klaira's infant pictures, they are looking a lot a like, of course without the hair. But their facial features are almost identical, which makes us so curious for how he will continue to change and grow! It is fun to have a baby around again!

I love this side profile of his hair!

Four generations!
Klaira loves to help and hold him. She is so good and having so much fun!
Klaira thought that Hank and Jeffery looked really cute together! You can see this is his not-so-chubby stage. It didn't last more that about 2 weeks or so!

Grandma Anderson loving on Jeffery.
Uncle Bruce's turn!
Ready to go home from the hospital at 24 hours old! His jacket was a little big.

Grandma Barrow holding the kiddos.
Our growing family!
Blaine was very excited and I love seeing the two of them together!
About to pop
I don't actually remember how many weeks this is but my guess is about 36 weeks or so. But it was the last belly picture we took.
Heading to church at 30-something weeks!
Klaira in her Christmas dress. She loved it!
She wanted to take a belly picture like me and it turned out to be a really cute picture!